You could call it a blog

  • rbenv apache sinatra
    18 March 2013

    I have to install a sinatra application I quickly knocked together for a client, here is what I had to do to get it running on a production server.

  • Arch Linux
    19 January 2013

    I have been a full Debian advocate and user for years, I still am.

  • Oldskool gem error
    9 January 2013

    There is an old project we maintain at work.. it runs on a old version of rails (2.3.14) .. we had to update to 2.3.15 to fix a manjor Rails security hole

  • Getting a view of a git repo
    8 January 2013

    I use git like a noob but really like it. It is great improvement on Subversion and I find so many features very helpful… cherry-pick, cheap branches, rebasing, bisect, etc. etc.

  • SVN - Merge a branch into trunk
    4 January 2013

    Unfortunatly I sometimes still have to use Subverison.

  • Things I should already know about Ruby
    19 November 2012

    I have been listening to a few talks from Aloha Ruby Conf, and found the following really informative:

  • Got my project, but where does it go?
    23 October 2012

    So I re-started an old idea of mine, this time using Ruby and Rails .. partly because I keep thinking it and how, if it was good, it could be applied to lots of situations, also because a rewrite in Ruby and Rails will help me learn.

  • Show me the source code .. please bundler
    15 October 2012

    One of the things I really missed when moving from Perl to Ruby was the knwledge of how CPAN and dependancy chain works … well things are starting to fit into place (in my brain) abit more and 1 tip I want to write down is:

  • Class and Module Knitting
    4 October 2012

    While adding a new feature to an existing rails application I was going to alter some methods and add some new ones… I saw not too much wrong with that being new to rails … but it was pointed out that over time this sort of editting results in files consisting of large amount of unrelated code… the prefered solution is to use ‘include’ and ‘extend’

  • New VPS
    5 September 2012

    Getting a new VPS all started when I noticed my current provider had a cheaper deal available (that I was not on).