Getting a view of a git repo
I use git like a noob but really like it. It is great improvement on Subversion and I find so many features very helpful… cherry-pick, cheap branches, rebasing, bisect, etc. etc.
I like using it so much that now I work in a place that still uses svn, I create hassel for myself by using git-svn so I can use git ontop of svn… althou I hear this is a better solution:
When I want to get a decent view on a git project, I might do something like this
git log --graph --pretty="tformat:%C(yellow)%h%Creset %Cgreen(%ar)%Creset %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset %C(red)%d%Creset %s"
That outputs a nice colourful over view of recent actively on a project.
To see what has happend on a file (README in this case) in recent times, I might to this:
git log --since='1 month ago' -- README
There is more (and better) insight here