Getting a new VPS all started when I noticed my current provider had a cheaper deal available (that I was not on).

I tried to get my VSP changed, but they said I had to sign up for a new one, transfer everything and cancel the old one… I tried that, but even thou I ask for a very simple VPS they gave me an old (ish) ubuntu with Plask on etc…. so now I have 2 VPS at the same provider that I am not that happy with.

I then happened to see a an add from Heart internet, I noticed in the VSP section they had a new Ubuntu to choose from (or even Debian 6) for an even cheaper price… so I used the chat function on the site and got signed up a month with a minimal ubuntu 12.04 server. .. now I have 3 VPS servers..

While messing about trying to put all my friends and my sites onto 1 server so I can cancel the other 2 I configured the following:

* web server user
* rbenv, perlbrew, php-cgi for web user
* ssh key only access
* firewall using ufw
* gitolite
* postfix to forward mail 
* ruby/perl based http servers serving on local sockets
* nginx to proxy web requests to local servers
* vhosts init type script to start all the servers
* vhosts/php-cgi init.d scripts
* gitlab