vim is awesome

Since I was a introduced to linux development I have used ‘vim’ and have never switched editors… you might think by now I would have very specialised vim config but I basically made do with the defaults. (I do a few tweaks but nothing massive)

I have lately been trying out some plugins, seeing as I am moving over to trendy rails developement, I thought I’d try ‘vim-rails’ plugin.

To achieve this I use a vim plugin manager called Vundle.

(Vundle)[] (vim-rails)[]

Compile a new vim

It was all easy to install vim plugins from github, but I did find the version of vim I was using was not compiled with ruby support.

To do this I just checkout an new svn version:

svn co

The configure like so:

./configure --prefix=/home/benjamin/build  --enable-rubyinterp    

The just add an alias to my .bashrc

alias vim='~/build/bin/vim'

After compiling a new vim I discovered I could have just got everything from debian repos:

apt-get install vim-nox vim-rails