Jekyll runs my blog .. on
This is the first post on my user page, but you know that coz that is what it says in the URL bar of your browser right?
I wanted a simple way to manage the creation of a blog I want to start (I wonder how long it will last?) .. After a college once pointed me towards his page on, I knew it could be done here.. but how?
With a small amount of googling I found this is referred to as “github pages” or better still:
After a abit of reading I found out about Jekyll, which looked like an excellent way to manage and maintain a small (ish) site.
Jekyll was fun to discover and pretty simple to get your head around, so checkout my reference links below and you should be able to scrape enough information together so you can do the same.
My stepes were something like:
* Create repo in called: * Open the repo's admin page * Click the "Automatic Page Generator" button * edit, edit, edit * Click the "Continue To Layouts" button * Click "Publish"
pre-setup for Jekyll
* Clone to repo from git clone * Installed Jekyll: gem install jekyll * Clean up the dir so it looks like this: |-- |-- javascripts | `-- main.js |-- images | `-- favicon.ico `-- stylesheets `-- stylesheet.css |-- index.html |-- _config.yml |-- _includes |-- _plugins |-- _posts |-- _layouts `-- default.html
Site build
* Edit '_layouts/default.html' and fixup HTML as you want * Edit 'stylesheets/stylesheet.css' and fixup CSS as you want * Edit '_layouts/index.html' add YAML header and HTML content * Test the site with: jekyll --server * Once happy, upload to with: git push
Done :)
Now, when I want to do a blog entry, I just add a YAML file to the ‘_posts’ directory and do a ‘git push’
References used: