SystemD Boot Snapshotting
I run my root file system on btrfs and when I update I take a snapshot before anything is changed. Meaning if something breaks, I can reboot into previous system.
As my /boot partition runs on a fat filesystem I can not include the boot files. To cope with this I copy the boot files to an alternative location.
To do this I use the following update
set -e
echo "Deleting old snapshot: ${snapshot}"
sudo btrfs subvolume delete ${snapshot} || echo "Did not delete old snapshot"
echo "Snap shotting $rootDir"
sudo btrfs subvolume snapshot $rootDir $snapshot
echo "Copying bootfiles"
sudo cp -f ${esp}/vmlinuz-linux ${esp}/before_last_update/
sudo cp -f ${esp}/intel-ucode.img ${esp}/before_last_update/
sudo cp -f ${esp}/initramfs-linux.img ${esp}/before_last_update/
sudo cp -f ${esp}/initramfs-linux-fallback.img ${esp}/before_last_update/
echo "Running pacman update"
sudo pacman -Syyuu
I also have a systemd-boot loader entry like so
title Arch Linux before the last update
linux /before_last_update/vmlinuz-linux
initrd /before_last_update/intel-ucode.img
initrd /before_last_update/initramfs-linux.img
options root=/dev/mapper/cryptroot rootflags=subvol=@before_last_update,compress=lzo